What To Expect
At Veneration, we believe our kids are the next generation to make an impact. We intentionally ground them upon the Gospel in all that we do and teach. Our desire is to not only have a vibrant kids ministry, but to raise up boys and girls that are committed followers of Christ. Veneration Kids is grounded upon our three pillars: The Word, Prayer and Worship.
Our classrooms are split into age groups starting with Infants (6 weeks to 11 months old), all the way up to 5th graders!
Our classrooms are split into age groups starting with Infants (6 weeks to 11 months old), all the way up to 5th graders!
In the Lobby
When you walk in to the lobby, look for the brightly colored signs directing you to the Veneration Kids Registration table. Here you will be asked for some information about your family (names, phone number, child’s birthdate and grade if applicable, and any food allergies or medical needs you want us to know about) and we will get your family registered. You will receive a printed name tag for each child and a pick-up slip for the adults, and then we will walk you back to your child’s classroom.

In The Classroom
At the classroom, your child will be greeted by their leaders and welcomed in to the class. The leaders will also ask you if your child is allowed to have a snack and if they have any food allergies. After saying goodbye, you can head to the sanctuary! If your child needs you during the worship service, we will text you at the phone number you gave us when you registered your family.
While you are worshipping with us in the sanctuary
If your child is in our Infant or Toddler classroom, they will spend their time playing and interacting with their leaders, perhaps interspersed with a snack, bottle, or nap. We use Orange curriculum for every other classroom. After a couple of worship songs, your child will watch a Bible story lesson on video, followed up with a variety of age-appropriate activities, crafts, and games that each reinforce and review the Bible lesson. They will usually have a snack of goldfish crackers and water, or an allergy-friendly snack for children with food allergies. Our curriculum provides a mix of activities that appeal to different learning styles - large movement, creativity, role-playing and re-enactment, connecting through discussion, exploring through hands-on and sensory play, and reflection during prayer time.

Picking children up after church
When service ends, you’ll head back to the classrooms to pick your child up! You will need to show their leaders the pick-up slip that you received at check-in. If you misplace your pick-up slip, you will need to show photo ID that matches the name of an adult in the household that you provided when you registered your family. We ask that only adults pick children up from class, not older siblings.
Keeping Your Child Safe Is Our Top Priority
All of our adult team members that serve with children have passed national background checks, as well as had two references checked. We also strictly adhere to the rule that no team member is ever alone with children that they are not related to, so there will always be a minimum of two adult team members in every classroom.
Veneration Kids is a tree nut free, peanut free environment.
Do not bring anything containing peanuts or tree nuts into Veneration Kids, to protect the kids and team members with severe allergies. We provide snacks in each classroom, and all snacks we provide are peanut free and tree nut free.
Our desire is to help prevent the spreading of germs. In order to minimize the spreading of infection, do not bring children to church who have any of the following symptoms:
● Fever within the past 24 hours ● Colored nasal discharge ● Cough ● Rash or skin lesions ● Conjunctivitis or pink eye ● Sore throat or earache
● Vomiting and or diarrhea within the past 24 hours ● Communicable disease (covid19, measles, roseola, chicken pox, etc) ● Head lice (no nits) ●
If a child is on an antibiotic, he/she must be taking the medication 48 hours prior to attendance before being allowed into Veneration Kids. In the event a child exhibits allergy related symptoms, the condition must be relayed to the Veneration Kids team.
If you have any questions regarding our Kids Ministry, please reach out to Allison at allison@venerationchurch.com
Veneration Kids is a tree nut free, peanut free environment.
Do not bring anything containing peanuts or tree nuts into Veneration Kids, to protect the kids and team members with severe allergies. We provide snacks in each classroom, and all snacks we provide are peanut free and tree nut free.
Our desire is to help prevent the spreading of germs. In order to minimize the spreading of infection, do not bring children to church who have any of the following symptoms:
● Fever within the past 24 hours ● Colored nasal discharge ● Cough ● Rash or skin lesions ● Conjunctivitis or pink eye ● Sore throat or earache
● Vomiting and or diarrhea within the past 24 hours ● Communicable disease (covid19, measles, roseola, chicken pox, etc) ● Head lice (no nits) ●
If a child is on an antibiotic, he/she must be taking the medication 48 hours prior to attendance before being allowed into Veneration Kids. In the event a child exhibits allergy related symptoms, the condition must be relayed to the Veneration Kids team.
If you have any questions regarding our Kids Ministry, please reach out to Allison at allison@venerationchurch.com